Our Vegetable Subscription Policy
All of our Vegetable Subscriptions are pre-paid, meaning you pay the full subscription amount at the time of purchase. Why is this the case?
You may have heard of a “CSA” before. If not, it refers to “Community Supported Agriculture”, (or sometimes “Community Shared Agriculture”) which is a farming model that allows farmers to focus on growing food. Consumers buy “shares” of a farm’s harvest at the beginning of the growing season, and that share cost allows farmers to purchase the inputs required for the upcoming season, like seed and compost. In return, the shareholder receives dividends in the form of produce throughout the growing season. The pre-sold nature of the model removes much of the burden of marketing, allowing the farmer to focus on growing.
We’re essentially doing the exact same thing here, except we’re updating the terminology to make it more accessible, and calling it a Vegetable Subscription instead of a CSA Share.
Our Vegetable Subscriptions are refundable in full, minus a $25 administration fee, up until June 1st, 2025.
After that date, there will be no refunds. The seeds have been purchased, the compost has been spread, and the plants have been planted! If you no longer wish to receive your Vegetable Subscription after the June 1st deadline, you can either arrange to gift your subscription to someone else, or have us donate it instead. To arrange, please reach out at hello@fieldtripfarm.ca.
Vegetable Subscriptions can be either picked up, or delivered to you.
Pickups for the 2025 growing season will be either at the Farm, Fridays (2-6pm) or Saturdays (10am-1pm), or at Westboro Farmers' Market on Saturdays (9am-3pm). Home deliveries will leave the farm on Fridays between 4-6pm, and will be shipped through our delivery partner, Trexity. You will receive separate email notifications from Trexity when your Subscription is out for delivery, and you will be able to live-track your order once it’s out on the road.
What happens if you need to go on vacation, or if you know you won’t be able to pick up a Subscription Box?
We know that life comes up, and things happen. While we can’t offer a refund, we can offer some options. If you notify us by 7am Friday morning before that weekends' Subscriptions, we will either issue you the value of the missed box as credit to be used at one of our farmers’ markets, or we can issue you a discount code for our online farmers' market, FarmScore.ca. The discount code will be for the value of your missed box, and can only be used on FieldTrip Farm products. If the missed order was for delivery, we will refund the value of the unused delivery (a $9 value).
If you know you will have trouble picking up an order on one of your scheduled pickup days, it is your responsibility to arrange for someone else to pick up your order for you, or for you to contact us at hello@fieldtripfarm.ca to make alternate arrangements. We will do our best to accommodate, but cannot guarantee any alternate arrangements, other than having someone else come pick up your order for you. We are a small team, and alternate arrangements often take up more time than we have available. We’re not trying to be harsh, just realistic with our promises to you, and our expectations of you.
If we don’t hear from you at all and you miss your pickup, we will donate your Subscription Box to the Kanata Food Cupboard. If you forget about your delivery and it sits out in front of your house, we apologize, but we can’t help with that. We will always make every effort to notify you when Subscriptions will be arriving so that you know what to expect. Also rest assured that our orders are well packed in sturdy cardboard boxes that provide fairly good insulating properties, so your order should stay in good condition even if you forget it outside for a few hours (and it’s pretty amazing what immersing “dead” veggies in cold water can do!)
Please carefully consider if a vegetable subscription is right for you. If you tend to travel frequently or have a hectic schedule, ordering à la carte might be better for you. We aim to accommodate and provide convenience, but multiple missed subscriptions create a lot of extra work for us, so we've got an option that will serve you, and us, better. Once our subscriptions start up in June, our online farmers' market, FarmScore.ca will offer an à la carte subscription box that will contain all of the same vegetables as that week's regular FieldTrip subscription box. That way, you can still enjoy the simplicity and convenience of a no-choice box, but without any required commitment.
We thank you for your understanding of our policies.
We will always make every conceivable effort to deliver what we promised, and to always make it right. That being said, we also have to recognize the limits of our small operation and be realistic with what we can accommodate. We feel that these policies strike an even balance. If you’d like to chat about our policies, reach out at hello@fieldtripfarm.ca.